Since our foundation, by being aware to be the first company in the Commercial Explosives industry of our country, we have put our best efforts to become the leading and superior product and service supplier in Turkey and its neighbouring countries.
In an environment where competition is very high, we are progressing successfully in order to provide better service and support to our customers with the global support from Dyno Nobel, and we continue to lead the implementation of many new technologies.
We have always been proud of our roots going back to Alfred Nobel as a part of Dyno Nobel's business activities.
We strive to maintain the highest standards in the products and services we offer while performing our work, and more importantly, we believe that the key element underlying our success is the value we give to occupational safety.
We are committed to drive to the principle of "Zero Harm for Everyone, Everywhere".
To be the best explosives supplier by performing an innovative performance for our customers, employees and partners.
As we fulfill our vision, we will follow these steps:
Delivering groundbreaking results for customer operations through practical innovations in the field of commercial explosives.
Makine Kimya-Nitro Nobel Kimya San. A.Ş., Was established on 1988 as a joint venture of Tekfen İnşaat ve Tesisat A.Ş., Altay Endüstriyel Yatırımlar ve Ticaret A.Ş. and Sweedish origined Nitro Nobel AB Companies.
In IPL we are aiming to promote the efficient use of resources and energy and strive to minimise our impact on the environment. As a result of the efforts, IPL has been included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) for the past ten years, where we are benchmarked against peers in the global ‘Chemicals’ sector. In 2019, the FTSE Group again confirmed that IPL has been independently assessed according to the FTSE4Good criteria and has satisfied the requirements to remain a constituent of the FTSE4Good Index Series for the sixth year running.